Dear Parents and Guardians,
Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
I pray that this newsletter finds you safe and well إنْ شاء الله.
Term 1 has come to a close as we find ourselves, with the Mercy of Allah, in the holy month of Ramadan. We wish you a blessed month filled with compassion, kindness and gratitude for the rizq that Allah swt has granted us.
Our student population has increased significantly since we opened our doors in 2021. There are currently three year 7 classes and already there is a demand for positions in 2024. We are proud to serve the Muslim community and to work with parents for their children’s success.
It was a pleasure to meet with parents at the information nights held in February. A second opportunity for parents to meet teachers will be on Monday 24th April. Parents will receive information via SENTRAL to make a booking for parent / teacher interviews. We look forward to your attendance to discuss this milestone in your child’s education.
Term 1 has been eventful, especially for year 7 students, and students new to MGGS. While year 7 students have made the adjustment to high school with increased expectations and workload, they’ve also enjoyed making new friends as well as having different subject teachers.
Our annual mother / daughter iftar will be held at the Grand Royale on Tuesday 11th April, where we will meet as a school community to break fast together, Alhamdulilah.
We’ve endeavoured to showcase some of the activities and learning experiences which our students have been involved in this term. We do hope you enjoy the articles, information and photos included in this newsletter.
May Allah accept all your worship and good deeds. I wish you a blessed Eid with family and friends. Stay safe and enjoy the term break
O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that you may learn self-restraint (taqwa). Qur’an 2:183
Student Representative Council
Congratulations to the students who have been elected by their peers to be members of the SRC for 2023. Candidates were given the opportunity to present their speeches in front of their teachers and peers ahead of elections which were conducted by our school counsellor, Ms Saddik. In the process they learnt how fair elections are held and how to campaign for the positions. They will attend a series of workshops on leadership and public speaking. We are excited to see their contributions to MGGS.
The successful candidates are; -
Year 7–Mariam Eid, Samira Mohamed, Sarah Charkawi, Soumayah Saddick, Aiza Shahid, Mariam Zaarour.
Year 8–Basmala Issa, Aliya Rajab
Year 9–Hamidah Mohamed, Jannat Shahzad, Aya Ismail, Jannet Zaarour
Year 10–Layla Elmir, Aaliyah Shirazi